Layer (Feature Service)
- URL:http://<featureservice-url>/<layerId>
- Operations:Add Features,Apply Edits,Calculate,Delete Features,Generate Renderer,Query,Query Related Records,Update Features,Validate SQL (Feature Service-Layer)
- Child Resources:Feature,Image
- Version Introduced:10.0
The layer resource represents a single feature layer or a non-spatial table in a feature service. A feature layer is a table or view with at least one spatial column.
For tables, it provides basic information about the table such as its ID, name, fields, types, and templates. For feature layers, in addition to the table information, it provides information such as its geometry type, min and max scales, and spatial reference. Each type includes information about the type, such as the type ID, name, and definition expression. Types also include a default symbol and a list of feature templates. Each feature template includes a template name, description, and prototypical feature.
The property capabilities return Query, Create, Delete, Update, Editing, Sync, Uploads and Extract capabilities. The Editing capability will be included if Create, Delete, or Update is enabled for a feature service.
The maxRecordCount property returns the maximum number of records that will be returned at once for a query.
The Layer resource returns relatedTableId, cardinality, role, keyField, and composite for all relationships. In addition, the relationshiptableId and keyFieldInRelationshipTable properties are returned for attributed relationships only.
The effectiveMinScale and effectiveMaxScale properties represent the effective minimum and maximum scales at which the layer is visible. Effective minimum and maximum scale are calculated based on the minScale and maxScale values of the current layer and its ancestors.
The Layer resource supports an input parameter returnUpdates that accepts a Boolean value. Pass this parameter to retrieve updated timeExtent for the layer.
The field property nullable indicates whether the field can accept null values.
If a layer has attachments, its hasAttachments property will be true.
If the layer objectIdField does not have a length property or the length property is set to 4, the objectIdField is 32-bit. If the objectIdField has a length of 8, the objectIdField is 64-bit.
The following is new in 10.5
- returnDomainNames is a parameter on the layer resource where domain information includes only the domain name. The domain names can be matched with the full domain information as returned by the queryDomains operation. This approach is a more efficient way to work with domains as it requires returning the full domain information only once instead of with each layer.
- subtypeField is a layer property that is set to the name of the subtype field. If the layer does not have subtypes, it is set to empty string ("subtypeField": "").
- defaultSubtypeCode a layer property that is set to the default subtype code if the layer has subtypes.
- subtypes is an array that describes the subtypes in a layer and is always included if the layer has subtypes. The domains in the types array will match the domains in the subtype array for layers that have a unique value renderer based on the subtype column.
- The mergePolicy and splitPolicy are included with the full domain information.
- Templates will include a thumbnail when the Feature Service layer is published from a layer with a dictionary renderer. Clients can use the base 64 image in the thumbnail when displaying a template picker. The thumbnail is optional and will not be provided in templates of other Feature Service layers. See JSON response example below.
- If allowTrueCurvesUpdates is true and onlyAllowTrueCurveUpdatesByTrueCurveClients is true, features with true curves can by updated by true curve capable clients (e.g. ArcGIS Pro). When edits are applied, the true curve client must set the trueCurveClient parameter to true.
If allowTrueCurvesUpdates is true and onlyAllowTrueCurveUpdatesByTrueCurveClients is false, features with true curves can be updated by any client. This includes cases where the client provides a densified feature to update the true curve feature.
- If allowTrueCurvesUpdates is false, features with true curves cannot be updated.
- supportsTrueCurve will be true if the service supports the option to returnTrueCurves in the query response.
- archivingInfo indicates the archiving status of the layer:
- supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment indicates whether historic moment queries can be performed on the layer. A layer must be archiving-enabled to support these type of queries.
- startArchivingMoment indicates the time archiving was enabled on the layer.
- allowUpdateWithoutMValues will be true to allow NaN to be inserted for m-values when m-values are not supplied with the geometry of m-aware data. If allowUpdateWithoutMValues is false m-values must be supplied in order to edit the geometry of m-aware data.
The following properties describe features that have been added to the Feature Service through the releases prior to 10.5. If the property does not exist, it's equivalent to having a value of false or not set.
- useStandardizedQueries will be true to indicate that the layer requires the use of standardized queries. Learn more about standardized queries.
- supportsRollbackOnFailures will be true to indicate the support for transactional edits. If true, the layer supports setting the rollbackOnFailure parameter for edit operations (for example, apply edits, add features, update features, and delete features). The supportsRollbackOnFailure parameter will be true if the data is simple and non-versioned.
- syncCanReturnChanges will be true if the data is versioned and has global IDs; this indicates the server has the ability to return changes only. If syncCanReturnChanges is false, the server will include all data for each layer in the response.
- isDataVersioned will be true if the layer is versioned.
- editFieldsInfo identifies the editor tracking fields and realm as follows:
- creationDateField indicates the field that stores the date and time the feature was created.
- creatorField indicates the field that stores the user who created the feature.
- editDateField indicates the field that stores the date and time the feature was last edited.
- editorField indicates the field that stores the user who last edited the feature.
- realm will be appended to the name of the user who makes the edit. For example, consider the case that logged-in user Sarah adds a new feature. The creator is set in the geodatabase as Sarah. If you configure the feature service to use the realm @server, subsequent edits appear in the database under the name Sarah@server.
- editingInfo if present, specifies information about editing.
- lastEditDate indicates the last time a layer was edited. This value gets updated every time the layer data is edited or when any of the layer properties change.
- ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures identifies the ownership-based access control settings of the feature service. The following properties indicate the operations allowed on features created by other users. The creatorField identifies the creator/owner of the feature.
- allowOthersToUpdate will be true if users can update features created by others.
- allowOthersToDelete will be true if users can delete features created by others.
- allowOthersToQuery will be true if users can query features created by others.
- supportsStatistics indicates whether the layer supports statistical functions in a query operation. This property is deprecated at 10.3. Starting at 10.3, refer to the new supportsStatistics property found within advancedQueryCapabilities.
- supportsAdvancedQueries indicates whether the layer supports orderBy and groupBy in a query operation. This property is deprecated at 10.3. Starting at 10.3, refer to the new advancedQueryCapabilities for this information.
- Advanced query capabilities of a layer are listed in advancedQueryCapabilities (new at 10.3), which contains the following properties:
- supportsPagination will be true if the layer supports pagination in the query operation.
- supportsQueryWithDistance will be true if the layer supports providing a distance parameter in the query operation.
- supportsReturningQueryExtent will be true if the layer supports returnExtentOnly in the query operation.
- supportsStatistics indicates whether the layer supports statistical functions in a query operation.
- supportsOrderBy will be true if the layer supports the orderByFields parameter in the query operation.
- supportsDistinct will be true if the layer supports the returnDistinctValues parameter in the query operation.
- supportedQueryFormats returns the formats in which query results can be returned.
- hasZ returns true if the features in the layer have Z values.
- hasM returns true if the features in the layer have M values.
- allowGeometryUpdates returns true if the geometry of the features in the layer can be edited.
- supportsCalculate will be true if the layers supports the calculate operation.
- supportsAttachmentsByUploadId will be true if the layer supports uploading attachments by UploadId.
- supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds will be true if the layer supports applying edits where globalid values provided by the client are used. In order for supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds to be true, layers must have a globalid column and have isDataVersioned as false. Layers with hasAttachments as true additionally require attachments with globalids and attachments related to features via the features globalid.

- Fields display SQL TYPE in addition to field types for ArcGIS Online hosted feature service layers. While developing application these SQL types should not be relied upon and field types should be used instead. The table below describes these SQL types.
SqlType | FieldType | Result database column type |
Not specified | esriFieldTypeOID | [int] |
sqlTypeBigInt | esriFieldTypeOID | [bigint] - not currently supported |
sqlTypeBigInt | esriFieldTypeInteger | [bigint] |
sqlTypeInteger | esriFieldTypeInteger | [int] |
sqlTypeBit | esriFieldTypeSmallInteger | [bit] |
sqlTypeTinyInt | esriFieldTypeSmallInteger | [tinyint] |
sqlTypeInteger | esriFieldTypeSmallInteger | [smallint] |
NA | esriFieldTypeDate | columnSize = 4 [smalldatatime] |
NA | esriFieldTypeDate | columnSize = 10 [datetimeoffset] |
NA | esriFieldTypeDate | columnSize = 8 or none [datetime2] |
sqlTypeTime | esriFieldTypeString | [time] |
sqlTypeTimestamp | esriFieldTypeString | [timestamp] |
none | esriFieldTypeString | nvarchar |
SqlTypeResource hierarchy
![]() |
Request parameters
Parameter |
Details |
f |
Description: The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json | pjson |
returnUpdates | This parameter was added at 10.1. Description: If value is true, an updated time extent is returned. If the layer is not time-aware, an empty response is returned. Values: true | false |
returnDomainNames | This parameter was added at 10.5. Description: If value is true, then domain information provided in the layer includes only the domain name. To get the full domain information, use the queryDomains operation in the service resource. This domains included in the layer can be used to linked to the full domain information via the domain name. If the value is false or not set, then full domain information is included in the layer as it was in past releases. |
Example usage
Example: Get information about layer 0 in the "USA" Feature Service
JSON response syntax
"currentVersion": <currentVersion>, //Added at 10.0 SP1
//properties applicable to both feature layers and tables
"id" : <layerOrTableId>,
"name" : "<layerOrTableName>",
"type" : "<layerOrTableType>", //"Feature Layer" or "Table"
"displayField" : "<field name>"
"description" : "<description>",
"copyrightText" : "<copyrightText>",
"subtypeField": "<subtypeField>", //Added at 10.5
"defaultSubtypeCode": <defaultSubtypeCode>, //Added at 10.5
"defaultVisibility": <true | false>,//Added at 10.1
//Added at 10.1
"editFieldsInfo": {
"creationDateField": "<creationDateField>",
"creatorField": "<creatorField>",
"editDateField": "<editDateField>",
"editorField": "<editorField>",
//Added at 10.1
"ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {
"allowOthersToUpdate": <true | false>,
"allowOthersToDelete": <true | false>,
"allowOthersToQuery": <true | false>
//Added at 10.1
"syncCanReturnChanges": <true | false>,
"relationships" : [
"id" : <relationshipId1>,
"name" : "<relationshipName1>",
"relatedTableId" : <relatedTableId1>,
"cardinality" : "<esriRelCardinalityOneToOne>|<esriRelCardinalityOneToMany>|<esriRelCardinalityManyToMany>";,//Added at 10.1
"role" : "<esriRelRoleOrigin>|<esriRelRoleDestination>";,//Added at 10.1
"keyField" : "<keyFieldName2>",//Added at 10.1
"composite" : <true>|<false>,//Added at 10.1
"relationshipTableId": <attributedRelationshipClassTableId>, //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"keyFieldInRelationshipTable": "<key field in AttributedRelationshipClass table that matches keyField>" //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"id" : <relationshipId2>,
"name" : "<relationshipName2>",
"relatedTableId" : <relatedTableId2>,
"cardinality" : "<esriRelCardinalityOneToOne>|<esriRelCardinalityOneToMany>|<esriRelCardinalityManyToMany>";,//Added at 10.1
"role" : "<esriRelRoleOrigin>|<esriRelRoleDestination>";,//Added at 10.1
"keyField" : "<keyFieldName2>",//Added at 10.1
"composite" : <true>|<false>,//Added at 10.1
"relationshipTableId": <attributedRelationshipClassTableId>, //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"keyFieldInRelationshipTable": "<key field in AttributedRelationshipClass table that matches keyField>" //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"isDataVersioned": <true | false>, //Added at 10.1
"supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": <true | false>, //Added at 10.1
"archivingInfo": {
"supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": <true | false>,
"startArchivingMoment": <startArchivingMoment>
}, //Added at 10.5
"supportsStatistics": <true | false>, //Added at 10.1
"supportsAdvancedQueries":<true | false>, //Added at 10.1
//properties applicable to feature layers only
"geometryType" : "<geometryType>",
"minScale" : <minScale>,
"maxScale" : <maxScale>,
"effectiveMinScale" : <effectiveMinScale>,
"effectiveMaxScale" : <effectiveMaxScale>,
"extent" : <envelope>,
//for feature layers only
"drawingInfo" : {
"renderer" : <renderer>,
"transparency" : <transparency>,
"labelingInfo" : <labelingInfo>
"hasM": <true | false>, //if the features in the layer have M values, the hasM property will be true
"hasZ": <true | false>, //if the features in the layer have Z values, the hasZ property will be true
//if the layer / table supports querying based on time
"enableZDefaults": <true | false>,//Added at 10.1
"zDefault": <zDefaultValue>,//Added at 10.1
"allowGeometryUpdates": <true | false>,//Added at 10.1
"timeInfo" : {
"startTimeField" : "<startTimeFieldName>",
"endTimeField" : "<endTimeFieldName>",
"trackIdField" : "<trackIdFieldName>",
"timeExtent" : [<startTime>, <endTime>],
"timeReference" : {
"timeZone" : "<timeZone>",
"respectsDaylightSaving" : <true | false>
"timeInterval" : <timeInterval>,
"timeIntervalUnits" : "<timeIntervalUnits>"
//if the layer / table has attachments, the hasAttachments property will be true
"hasAttachments" : <true | false>
//from 10 onward - indicates whether the layer / table has htmlPopups
"htmlPopupType" : "<esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone | esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL | esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText>",
//layer / table fields
"objectIdField" : "<objectIdFieldName>",
"globalIdField" : "<globalIdFieldName>",
"typeIdField" : "<typeIdFieldName>",
//from 10.0 fields of type (String, Date, GlobalID, GUID and XML) have an additional length property, editable properties
//from 10.1 fields have an additional nullable property
"fields" : [
{"name" : "<fieldName1>", "type" : "<fieldType1>", "alias" : "<fieldAlias1>", "length" : "<length1>", "editable" : "<true | false>","nullable" : "<true | false>","domain" : <domain1>},
{"name" : "<fieldName2>", "type" : "<fieldType2>", "alias" : "<fieldAlias1>", "length" : "<length2>", "editable" : "<true | false>","nullable" : "<true | false>", "domain" : <domain2>}
//layer / table sub-types
"types" : [
"id" : <typeId1>,
"name" : "<typeName1>",
"domains" : {
"<domainField11>" : <domain11>,
"<domainField12>" : <domain12>
"templates" : [
"name" : "<templateName11>",
"description" : "<templateDescription11>",
"prototype" : <prototypicalFeature11>
"name" : "<templateName12>",
"description" : "<templateDescription12>",
"prototype" : <prototypicalFeature12>
"id" : <typeId2>,
"name" : "<typeName2>",
"domains" : {
"<domainField11>" : <domain21>,
"<domainField12>" : <domain22>
"templates" : [
"name" : "<templateName21>",
"description" : "<templateDescription21>",
"prototype" : <prototypicalFeature21>,
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolNone | esriFeatureEditToolPoint | esriFeatureEditToolLine | esriFeatureEditToolPolygon |
esriFeatureEditToolAutoCompletePolygon | esriFeatureEditToolCircle | esriFeatureEditToolEllipse | esriFeatureEditToolRectangle |
"name" : "<templateName22>",
"description" : "<templateDescription22>",
"prototype" : <prototypicalFeature22>,
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolNone | esriFeatureEditToolPoint | esriFeatureEditToolLine | esriFeatureEditToolPolygon |
esriFeatureEditToolAutoCompletePolygon | esriFeatureEditToolCircle | esriFeatureEditToolEllipse | esriFeatureEditToolRectangle |
//layer / table templates - usually present when the layer / table has no types
"templates" : [
"name" : "<templateName1>",
"description" : "<templateDescription1>",
"prototype" : <prototypicalFeature1>
"name" : "<templateName2>",
"description" : "<templateDescription2>",
"prototype" : <prototypicalFeature2>
"subtypes": [
"code": <SubtypeCode1>,
"name": "<SubtypeDescription1>",
"defaultValues": {
"<fieldName1>": <default1>,
"<fieldName2>": "<default2>"
"domains": {
"<fieldName1>": <domain11>,
"<fieldName2>": <domain12>
"code": <SubtypeCode2>,
"name": "<SubtypeDescription2>",
"defaultValues": {
"<fieldName1>": <default3>,
"<fieldName2>": "<default4>"
"domains": {
"<fieldName1>": <domain21>,
"<fieldName2>": <domain22>
//Maximum number of records returned in a query result
"maxRecordCount": <maxRecordCount>, //Added at 10.1
"standardMaxRecordCount" : <standardMaxRecordCount>,
"tileMaxRecordCount" : <tileMaxRecordCount>,
"maxRecordCountFactor" : <maxRecordCountFactor>,
"supportedQueryFormats": "<supportedQueryFormats>", //Added at 10.1
"hasStaticData" : <true | false>
//comma separated list of supported capabilities - e.g. "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing"
"capabilities" : "<capabilities>"
JSON response example
"id": 0,
"name": "Incidents",
"type": "Feature Layer",
"displayField": "req_id",
"description": "",
"copyrightText": ""
"supportsRollbackOnFailures": true,
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
"minScale": 0,
"maxScale": 0,
"extent": {
"xmin": -122.514435102,
"ymin": 5.6843418860808E-14,
"xmax": 138.625776397,
"ymax": 67.1577965990001,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 4326
"drawingInfo": {
"renderer": {
"type": "uniqueValue",
"field1": "req_type",
"field2": null,
"field3": null,
"defaultSymbol": null,
"defaultLabel": "\u003call other values\u003e",
"uniqueValueInfos": [
"value": "Blocked Street or Sidewalk",
"label": "Blocked Street or Sidewalk",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "1DD4FC53",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 19,
"height": 19,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"value": "Damaged Property",
"label": "Damaged Property",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "DF3100A6",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 15,
"height": 9,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"value": "Graffiti Complaint - Public Property",
"label": "Graffiti Complaint",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "B2E6E7A0",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 19,
"height": 19,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"value": "Graffiti Complaint � Private Property",
"label": "Graffiti Complaint",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "B2E6E7A0",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 19,
"height": 19,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"value": "Sewer Issues",
"label": "Sewer Issues",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "80DC11A7",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 16,
"height": 19,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"value": "Sidewalk and Curb Issues",
"label": "Sidewalk and Curb Issues",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "19213DC2",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 19,
"height": 19,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"value": "Tree Maintenance or Damage",
"label": "Tree Maintenance or Damage",
"description": "",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "37B62A6C",
"contentType": "image/png",
"color": null,
"width": 17,
"height": 19,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0
"transparency": 0,
"labelingInfo": null
"hasAttachments": false,
"htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText",
"objectIdField": "objectid",
"globalIdField": "",
"typeIdField": "req_type",
"fields": [
"name": "objectid",
"type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
"alias": "Object ID",
"editable": false,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "req_id",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Request ID",
"editable": true,
"length": 20,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "req_type",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Request Type",
"editable": true,
"length": 40,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "req_date",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Request Date",
"editable": true,
"length": 30,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "req_time",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Request Time",
"editable": true,
"length": 20,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "address",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Address",
"editable": true,
"length": 60,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "x_coord",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "X Coordinate",
"editable": true,
"length": 20,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "y_coord",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Y Coordinate",
"editable": true,
"length": 20,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "district",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "District",
"editable": true,
"length": 20,
"nullable": true,
"domain": null
"name": "status",
"type": "esriFieldTypeSmallInteger",
"alias": "Status",
"editable": true,
"nullable": true,
"domain": {
"type": "codedValue",
"name": "StatusCodes",
"codedValues": [
"name": "New",
"code": 1
"name": "Open",
"code": 2
"name": "Closed",
"code": 3
"types": [
"id": "Graffiti Complaint - Private Property",
"name": "Graffiti Complaint",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Graffiti Complaint",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Graffiti Complaint - Private Property",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"id": "Blocked Street or Sidewalk",
"name": "Blocked Street or Sidewalk",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Blocked Street or Sidewalk",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Blocked Street or Sidewalk",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"id": "Damaged Property",
"name": "Damaged Property",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Damaged Property",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Damaged Property",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"id": "Graffiti Complaint - Public Property",
"name": "Graffiti Complaint",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Graffiti Complaint",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Graffiti Complaint - Public Property",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"id": "Sewer Issues",
"name": "Sewer Issues",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Sewer Issues",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Sewer Issues",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"id": "Tree Maintenance or Damage",
"name": "Tree Maintenance or Damage",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Tree Maintenance or Damage",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Tree Maintenance or Damage",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"id": "Sidewalk and Curb Issues",
"name": "Sidewalk and Curb Issues",
"domains": {
"templates": [
"name": "Sidewalk and Curb Issues",
"description": "",
"drawingTool": "esriFeatureEditToolPoint",
"prototype": {
"attributes": {
"status": 1,
"req_id": null,
"req_type": "Sidewalk and Curb Issues",
"req_date": null,
"req_time": null,
"address": null,
"x_coord": null,
"y_coord": null,
"district": null
"templates": [
"maxRecordCount" : 2000,
"standardMaxRecordCount" : 4000,
"tileMaxRecordCount" : 4000,
"maxRecordCountFactor" : 1,
"capabilities": "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing"
JSON response example where the layer has subtypes and returnDomainNames=false
"currentVersion": 10.5,
"cimVersion": "1.3.0",
"id": 1,
"name": "FC1",
"parentLayerId": -1,
"type": "Feature Layer",
"description": "sync.GDB.FC1_1",
"copyrightText": "",
"defaultVisibility": true,
"editFieldsInfo": null,
"ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null,
"syncCanReturnChanges": false,
"relationships": [],
"isDataVersioned": false,
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"archivingInfo": {
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JSON response example where the layer has subtypes and returnDomainNames=true
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